USTC LUG is the abbreviation for Linux User Group (LUG) of University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). USTC LUG is a technology-leading association that consists of the GNU/Linux enthusiasts in USTC. The aim of USTC LUG is to unite the GNU/Linux users in USTC, to build a platform for communicating with each other, sharing the value of free software and promoting free software in the USTC Campus and Hefei City.

Founded in 2003, USTC LUG has gone through over 20 years. At present, it is a top university association in Anhui province to promote the free software culture and value as well as one of the well-developing Linux/Free Software student associations in China mainland. Due to the combined efforts of its members and volunteers, USTC LUG has organized a number of meaningful activities, such as the USTC Information Security Contest, GNU/Linux Install Party, Software Freedom Day, Weekly Party and Linux 101 lectures.

USTC LUG started the maintenance of the well-known Debian archive mirror in 2003. Now, with better hardware and bandwidth sponsored by USTC, it finally becomes the official Debian mirror of China. Now it has combined with and became, an important open-source software mirror in China. With the assistance of the USTC Network Information Center, USTC LUG has set up a PXE network booting system, enabling the whole campus to perform convenient installs and quick experience of Linux. The Library LIIMS System, developed on the base of Campus PXE system, is also developed and under the maintenance of USTC LUG.

In recognition of its excellent performance, USTC LUG was awarded the Outstanding Association of USTC in May 2011. USTC LUG was also ranked as a “Four Star” Student Association of USTC in 2012, 2013 and 2014. From 2015 to 2021 (now), USTC LUG was ranked as a “Five Star” Student Association of USTC.

If you have any problem, please email us at lug < at>

Special Events

Linux Install Party

The main purpose of the Linux Install Party is to promote and install Linux on students’ computers, as well as promote and encourage the spirit of open source and free software. Students will have a good experience installing the Linux system painlessly, have professional guidance during their Linux installing process and exchange relevant knowledge of Linux. Each party includes lectures for novices, installation guide step by step, free discussion, and other events.

SFD (Software Freedom Day)

Software Freedom Day is a non-profit event under the leadership of the Free Software Foundation International (SFI). It is sponsored by supporters of free and open-source software. It aims to provide an information exchange platform for supporters and the hold activities of free and open-source software with other communities.

USTC LUG has successfully organized recent Software Freedom Day events in Hefei. This event was once supported by Lemote Technology, Loongson Club, Standard Software, Red Flag Linux, China OSS Promotion Union, Hefei Industrial University, Anhui University and other companies, open-source community and universities. During each event, the guests influential in the field of open-source software in domestic were invited, such as James Zhang (teacher of USTC network center), Mr. Li Zhenning (President of Beijing GUG), Mr. Yao Xinyu (Chairman of Shanghai LUG), Mr. Liu Shiwei (a developer of MIPS), etc. Their speeches address a variety of content.

LUG Weekly Party

Since October 2011, we hold a meeting named Weekly Party (or ‘Tech Hangout’) every weekend. A student will be invited to make a presentation about IT technology etc. This meeting is open to all teachers and students. Now, before every Weekly Party, the time, place and introduction of the weekly party will be posted on our mailing list, LUG activities calendar, Notice/Linux forum of USTC BBS, etc.

Network Services

Contact us & more information

You can find us here.

Reach wiki main page for more info about USTC LUG.
